San Diego, California
Shipping/Delivery Hours
Monday & Tuesday
12 p.m. — 6 p.m.
12 p.m. — 8 p.m.
Wednesdays & Sundays
Our Drink2Shrink formula can help get that stubborn belly fat off & make you feel like a brand new person!!
At Drinkin’ & Shrinkin’ with Shaē, our main focus is:
• to make sure your experience with Drinkin’ & Shrinkin’ with Shae is exceptional
• to follow up to make sure all of your questions are answered and your concerns are put to ease
• and to make sure you have all the help you need to make sure your personal transition to a healthier lifestyle and/or fitness journey is a smooth one (Results may vary)
Your satisfaction with the quality of our products are very important to us. Unfortunately, at this time we are unable to accept returns once your item has been delivered due to COVID-19.
Thank you for your interest in Drinkin’ & Shrinkin with Shae, sorry for any inconvenience our Return Policy may cause and we hope when your order is fulfilled, you are 100% satisfied and will write a review about your experience on here or Facebook! God bless!!
JaShaē L. Branch-Henderson
Drinkin’ & Shrinkin’ with Shae, CEO
I started my Drink2Shrink business because I wholeheartedly believe God kept me on this earth to help people, to spread love, positivity and be a testimony to show others just how great he is.
Eating and drinking healthy items doesn’t have to be nasty, with 9 all natural, herbal ingredients you can enjoy a great tasting juice and not feel guilty about it later.
DISCLAIMER: Results may vary from person to person. Please consult with your doctor before consuming any of the products listed if you have any health problems especially but not limited to High Blood Pressure.
My twin daughters and I started the Drink2Shrink journey in January 2021 and let me tell you its WORKING!!! People have told us they see a difference in our appearance and ask what are we doing!!! We tell them and they want to try it. My friend's brother started this 6 months ago and lost 60 pounds!!!! Got off medication and is reaching his goal weight!!! I have lost 15 pounds and some inches!!! My girls have lost pounds and inches as well!! My people that I started on it are having positive results!!! Give it a try but give it time , you will feel better!!! Individual results may vary. Always consult your physician before consuming a new product.
Shipping/Delivery Hours
Monday & Tuesday
12 p.m. — 6 p.m.
12 p.m. — 8 p.m.
Wednesdays & Sundays